Chuck Todd Hammers Ron Johnson Over Conspiracy Mongering: ‘Why Didn’t You Hold Hearings About the 9/11 Truthers?’

Meet the Press host Chuck Todd repeatedly confronted Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) on Sunday morning over the latest futile plot to overthrow the election by Republicans, calling the pro-Trump Wisconsin lawmaker an “arsonist” and blasting him for “carrying a lot of this crazy conspiratorial water” for President Donald Trump.
Days ahead of Congress officially certifying the Electoral College vote, Johnson joined an effort led by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) in which at least 12 GOP senators will oppose the certification of the results, citing baseless and unfounded allegations of widespread voter fraud. On top of the Senate’s ploy, at least 140 House Republicans are also reportedly planning on objecting to the election results.
Todd, who invited Johnson on despite repeatedly clashing with the senator in the past for peddling conspiracies on-air, immediately kicked off Sunday’s confrontation by noting that Johnson has seemingly gone back on his word over the election.
Watch the video above, via NBC.