Key Voters ‘Breaking’ from Trump over Impeachment, Polls Find

Some key groups of voters are beginning to move away from President Donald Trump as the impeachment saga unfolds, according to a new report from Politico. A series of recent polls show that women and college-educated whites are reconsidering the President.
“Many voters critical to Trump are breaking from the president on impeachment, posing a risk to his congressional firewall,” Politico‘s Gabby Orr writes, noting that any significant shift in the polls could lead Republicans in Congress to rethink their support for Trump.
“Back-to-back polls this week found greater support for the impeachment proceedings than opposition among white voters with college degrees — a group that backed Trump over Hillary Clinton by a slightly greater margin in 2016, according to publicly available exit data,” Orr says.
“Fifty percent of college-educated whites in an NPR/Marist College survey said they approved of House Democrats’ decision to launch the formal impeachment inquiry into Trump. That compares to a narrower margin of support for the move, 45-43, in a POLITICO/Morning Consult poll released Wednesday.”
President Trump has long bragged about his support among women, though he has frequently misstated the facts. While he won a majority of white women in 2016, the recent poll numbers should be a warning sign for his re-election bid and Republicans’ hopes of taking back the House.
“Even more dangerous for the president and his allies is the apparent groundswell of support for impeachment among women — including self-described independents, white women with college degrees and women in suburban communities,” the article notes.
Trump has often denounced polls he doesn’t like as ‘fake news’ but congressional Republicans are more serious about poll numbers. If these trends continue, Trump could find himself abandoned by his GOP defenders as impeachment rolls out.