CNN’s Phil Mudd Blows Gasket Over Whistleblower Complaint: Intel Community Shouldn’t ‘Snitch’ on Trump

CNN counterterrorism analyst Phil Mudd likely shocked the network’s viewers a bit on Wednesday night when he flipped out over a report that the whistleblower complaint that’s prompted a standoff between Congress and the intelligence community involves President Donald Trump making a “promise” to a foreign leader.
“Boy, I’m about ready to blow a gasket—that is extremely unusual,” Mudd howled. “Can you explain to me, A, why it’s the U.S. intelligence community’s responsibility to listen to the president of the United States speaking to a foreign leader and, B, why did the U.S. intelligence community—under the rules provided by the Democrats in Congress—are responsible to report to the Congress what the President of the United States says.”
Read the rest of the piece at The Daily Beast.
Watch the clip above, via CNN.