Trump Calls Migrants ‘Stone Cold Criminals’, Threatens To Close Border ‘Permanently’

President Donald Trump has attacked migrants again this morning. Taking to Twitter, Trump once again claimed that South American immigrants trying to enter the United States are criminals and called for his border wall to be funded by Congress.
“Mexico should move the flag waving Migrants, many of whom are stone cold criminals, back to their countries. Do it by plane, do it by bus, do it anyway you want, but they are NOT coming into the U.S.A. We will close the Border permanently if need be. Congress, fund the WALL!” Trump tweeted.
The President’s tweet comes just a day after US agents launched tear gas into Mexico at migrants trying to cross the border. Children were affected by the gas, which has created controversy and accusations of human rights abuses. CNN’s Chris Cuomo, no fan of the President, has come under fire for a tweet apparently defending the use of tear gas.
President Trump did not mention the use of tear gas in his tweet this morning, preferring to restate his claim that migrants are potential criminals. There is no evidence to suggest that those migrants, many of whom are fleeing violence in their home countries, are criminals.
The Mexican government has said it will deport the migrants who attempted to storm the US border. Tensions have been high in the Mexican city of Tijuana since a group of migrants arrived there, but the US is their final destination. The decision is likely to please the Trump administration.
President Trump is determined to keep the migrants on the Mexican side of the border, leaving Mexico with few options. The migrants, who have walked thousands of miles to get to the US, do not want to remain in Mexico and the Mexican authorities may struggle to cope with the influx. However, migrants have the right to seek asylum in the US. If they are prevented from entering the country, however, the administration can effectively prevent them from accessing the right to asylum.