Michael Avenatti Blocks CNN’s Ryan Lizza On Twitter Then Pretends He Didn’t Do It

While the attorney for adult film star Stormy Daniels has become a hero to The Resistance for using a str5ategy of never-ending cable news appearances to become a thorn in the side of President Donald Trump and his attorneys, Michael Avenatti has also embraced the Trumpian tendency to lash out at and threaten members of the press.
In recent weeks, we’ve seen the media-obsessed lawyer tell reporters at the conservative news site The Daily Caller he would personally sue them for defamation, call a Hollywood Reporter writer an “asshole” for highlighting Avenatti’s TV appearances, and threaten a Law & Crime reporter for writing a negative article. In the wake of these publicized incidents, it appears Avenatti has displayed another Trump-like behavior — thin-skinnedness.
After the attorney tweeted out his appreciation for what he felt was a “very balanced piece” while saying he would “continue to contribute to and assist you and other professionals in what you do,” CNN political analyst Ryan Lizza noted the irony of Aveantti’s tweet considering that the lawyer had just blocked him on Twitter.
Lol. Michael Avenatti is such a champion of the press, truth, and the First Amendment that he blocks reporters covering him after mildly critical tweets and then pretends he didn’t do it. pic.twitter.com/mLAlkwaAlz
— Ryan Lizza (@RyanLizza) May 21, 2018
As Lizza revealed in his tweet, Avenatti responded to a text from Lizza by blaming it on someone who runs his Twitter account and responding that it was “weird” when Lizza showed him the screenshot.
Lizza’s CNN colleague Oliver Darcy pointed out on Monday that Lizza sent out the following tweet in response to Avenatti’s threatening email to TheDC reporters:
This is the sort of intimidation tactic, suggesting a complete contempt for what reporters do, that someone like Michael Cohen would use. https://t.co/X8Dm3PTTWC
— Ryan Lizza (@RyanLizza) May 14, 2018
As you can see in that tweet from last week, Lizza said Avenatti’s “intimidation tactic” suggested a “complete contempt” for the press and was akin to something Trump attorney Michael Cohen would do.
We’ve reached out to Avenatti for comment to see if he’s received an answer from the person running his Twitter account.
UPDATE: Avenatti and Lizza have sparred on Twitter over this issue, with the Stormy attorney claiming it was “inadvertent” but that he has to right to block whoever he wants.
I told you it was inadvertent. We just hadn’t fixed it yet. We have a lot going on rt now that is much more important than you being blocked on Twitter. Btw, even if it had been purposeful, am I not allowed to block people now? Why not? Am I elected? Do you block people? https://t.co/Zpe8h68tPl
— Michael Avenatti (@MichaelAvenatti) May 21, 2018
1. It’s not credible that it was inadvertent—you blocked me & other reporters mins after critical tweets. 2. You can block anyone you want. My criticism was about threatening reporters & blocking reporters who criticize your threats & then posturing as a champion of free press. https://t.co/iTztiHXVhz
— Ryan Lizza (@RyanLizza) May 21, 2018
Now you are just making it up. All kinds of reporters have criticized me and not been blocked. Why are continuing to whine about this Ryan? To be clear, I can block anyone I want, just like you can. It has nothing to do with the First Amend. I understand you have blocked many…
— Michael Avenatti (@MichaelAvenatti) May 21, 2018