Trump-Loving Republican Lawmaker: “The Pope Is The Anti-Christ”

If there’s one thing we’ve learned over the past few months, it’s that Trumpkins will always come to the defense of their one and true God, Donald J. Trump.
Last week, Trump decided to start a feud with Pope Francis after the pontiff made remarks that were critical of Trump’s faith. Referencing The Donald’s immigration policy and general douchebaggery when it comes to Mexicans and other Latinos, the Pope suggested that Trump wasn’t a Christian. Of course, the celebrity billionaire had to release an unhinged statement in response, which he later walked back after reading the Pope’s comments in full.
One of his biggest supporters went even further than her idol when it came to smacking the Pope for having the temerity to be critical of His Orangeness. Susan DeLemus, a New Hampshire state rep who has been quite vocal in her support of Trump, called Pope Francis “the anti-Christ” in a Facebook post on February 18th. That as the same day Trump went off on him but before the former reality TV star walked back his angry remarks.
Politico spoke with DeLemus on Monday to get clarification of her comments. According to the media-loving lawmaker, she wasn’t referring specifically to Pope Francis, but instead saying that historically the papacy is where the anti-Christ resides. (I guess this is supposed to be less crazy or something.)
“I was actually referencing the papacy. And what I wrote after that ‘do your research,’ if you read the Geneva Bible, which is the Bible I use when we study, the commentary is—actually by the founders of the United States actually, the Protestant Church—their commentary references the papacy as the anti-Christ,” DeLemus said. “And I think actually in one part of it, and I don’t remember who it was that wrote it, there was one of the popes that they had referenced as the anti-Christ. So that’s all I was referring to, the papacy, not particularly that one particular pope because the papacy is a seat. It’s not just one person.”
She added, “I’m not saying the pope is going to start growing horns and a tail and start poking people.”
She also let the magazine know that she isn’t Catholic and, therefore, doesn’t think the Pope is all that important. Furthermore, she doesn’t believe he has the right to question anyone’s faith. Of course, it’s totes cool that Trump does it on a nearly daily basis. Or evangelical ‘leaders’. But the Pope? Yeah, fuck him.
Anyway, DeLemus is the same person who was featured in a CNN voter focus group last year. At that time, the network didn’t mention that she was actually an elected official, identifying her only as a Trump supporter. She gathered some notoriety at that time for going completely apeshit on air defending Trump’s positions and expressing her devotion to him.