Jaime Harrison Puts Up Plexiglass Barrier During Debate with Lindsey Graham

Jaime Harrison Puts Up Plexiglass Barrier During Debate with Lindsey Graham

Jaime Harrison, the Democratic challenger for the South Carolina Senate seat held by Lindsey Graham, brought a plexiglass barrier to his debate with the incumbent Saturday night.

Graham is one of many Republicans who were potentially exposed to the coronavirus due to the gathering last week in the Rose Garden for President Trump’s nomination of judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court. Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) and Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC), who have both tested positive in the last few days, attended the ceremony and are both on the Senate Judiciary Committee along with Graham.

Graham, however, has been criticized for his decision to not quarantine even though he said Friday that his test came back negative.

“We shouldn’t blame the president for the inception of this disease. We shouldn’t blame anybody for the inception of this disease, but where blame should come is how we handle this disease, whether or not we take it seriously,” Harrison said.

“You know, tonight, I am taking it seriously,” he continued. “That’s why I put this plexiglass up.”

Recent polls show an unexpectedly tight race between the two.

Watch the video above, via C-SPAN.

William Vaillancourt

William Vaillancourt is a writer and editor from New Hampshire whose work has appeared in The Washington Post, The Boston Globe, The Progressive, Slate and Areo Magazine, among other places. He holds a BA in Political Science and History from Boston University.

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