Piers Morgan Tears Into ‘Friend’ Trump Over His ‘Self-Serving’ Coronavirus Response

British talk host Piers Morgan, a longtime close friend of President Donald Trump’s, railed against the president’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic on Sunday, claiming Trump is “failing the American people” and turning his coronavirus press briefings into “self-serving rallies.”
“And all that is required from the president in those moments, and any world leader, frankly, they have to be calm, show authority, they have to be honest, they have to be accurate, entirely factual with what they’re telling the people and they have to have an ability to show empathy,” he exclaimed.
“On almost every level of that Donald Trump at the moment is failing the American people,” Morgan continued. “He’s turning these briefings into a self-aggrandizing, self-justifying, overly defensive, politically partisan—almost like a rally to him.”
Read the rest of the piece at The Daily Beast.
Watch the clip above, via CNN