Fox Host Cuts Off Contributor Jessica Tarlov For Saying Trump ‘Cheated on All Those Wives’

Fox News contributor Jessic Tarlov was quickly cut off by America’s Newsroom co-anchor Sandra Smith on Monday when Tarlov brought up President Donald Trump cheating on his wives. Tarlov was discussing Rush Limbaugh’s comments about Pete Buttigieg’s sexuality.
“It’s really interesting to me as someone who is an open advocate, obviously, for same-sex marriage which is now the law of the land, thankfully,” Tarlov said.
“You see a loving, monogomous couple like Pete Buttigieg and Chasten his husband up there showing what is possible. That someone who is in a same-sex relationship could be running for president and doing as well,” she said.
“And then they’re torn down by Rush Limbaugh, who’s been married four times I think. We have Donald Trump, three times married, cheated on all of those wives.”
“Let’s not bring in personal relationships,” Smith jumped in and quickly cut off that avenue of discussion and moved on with the Buttigieg topic of the segment.
Watch the video above, via Fox News.
Please get rid of Jessica Tarlov. She is stupid, obnoxious and ugly!!