Michael Moore: Trump Is ‘Very Beatable’ in 2020

Filmmaker Michael Moore on Friday weighed in on a recent poll showing competitive matchups between President Donald Trump and each Democratic presidential candidate in Texas, a state which has voted Republican in every presidential election since 1980.
Moore said that although Democrats cannot ignore the legwork that needs to be done before the election, Trump is a “very beatable” candidate.
“I want to preface that anything that sounds like optimism coming out of my mouth, I want people at home to know that nobody can slow down or think that they don’t have any work to do between now and November. Everybody has to be off the bench and involved in a significant way or there will be four more years of Donald Trump,” Moore told MSNBC’s Ali Velshi on The Last Word.
“Having said that, I think what we’ve seen recently is that Trump is actually very beatable. I know a lot of people, especially Democrats, they’re very nervous, afraid [about who to pick],” Moore continued. “All the polls have shown you for the last three months there are at least three or four Democrats that beat Trump in every head to head poll. Every head-to-head poll, the Democrat wins.”
After Velshi pointed out that national polls don’t necessarily mean much because of the Electoral College, Moore, a supporter of Sen. Bernie Sanders, explained how important it will be for the Democratic nominee to not ignore states that were essentially taken for granted in 2016. Doing so during the previous election, Moore explained, was done partly out of a desire to avoid riling up Trump voters.
“This is what is killing me with Democrats or people who are going to vote Democratic: to be in this sense of fear,” Moore explained. “Trump is not some invincible, large iron giant that’s going to crush everybody.”
Moore added that for Democrats to want to be “absolutely certain” that their nominee will beat Trump is unrealistic because there are no such guarantees in life.
“There is no way that people should be as afraid of him [as they are],” Moore said, “and frankly, the more you sink into your despair…the more power you give Trump.”
Watch the video above, via MSNBC.