While Democrats Debated, Trump Complained About Dishwashers and Wondered if LBJ Is in Hell

The Democratic presidential candidates took to the debate stage in Iowa last in a sometimes heated contest ahead of the Iowa Caucus on 3 February. President Donald Trump, in stark contrast, was speaking at a rally of supporters where he doubled down on some of his recent bizarre statements.
The President continued his complaints about water pressure and laid into new dishwashers, while going on to talk about washing his hair. Trump has complained about toilets not flushing properly before, causing bafflement. He also speculated about the soul of former President Lyndon B. Johnson.
“You know, Lyndon Johnson was sort of a tough guy. Can you imagine his phone calls? He’s probably looking down, or looking up,” Trump told the crowd. This is not the first time he has wondered aloud if a deceased Democrat is in Hell.
"You know, Lyndon Johnson was sort of a tough guy. Can you imagine his phone calls? He's probably looking down, or looking up" — Trump suggests LBJ is in hell pic.twitter.com/4At8tr4Tvv
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) January 15, 2020
Trump renewed his attack on ‘the new lightbulb’ for making him look orange before returning to the topic of dishwashers and water pressure generally. He appeared to suggest he’s never actually used a dishwasher, however.
Trump's complaints about new dishwashers are nuts and suggest he's never used one in his life pic.twitter.com/D7E6R0TNsQ
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) January 15, 2020
“You don’t get any water!” the President complained in what is fast becoming a standard rallying talking point. Nobody is quite sure why Trump highlights this (non)issue but some have suggested that it comes from an old Libertarian complaint about toilet standards.
"You don't get any water!" — POTUS transitions from complaining about dishwashers to complaining about sinks, toilets, and showers. He then starts bragging about his hair. pic.twitter.com/o4nHUBkGSc
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) January 15, 2020
While many in the media worry that none of the Democrats on the stage in Iowa can beat Trump, the President is spending his time ranting about bizarre complaints, seemingly obsessing over water pressure and – once again – suggesting prominent Democrats are in Hell.
Watch some of Trump’s comments above, via Twitter.