New Batch of Mueller Investigation Documents Summarizes Interviews with Top Trump Advisers

BuzzFeed News on Thursday published the third installment in a series of documents from former special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election.
The documents, obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, describe the findings of interviews by Mueller’s team with White House officials and key Trump advisers including Stephen Miller, Rob Porter, Michael Cohen and Paul Manafort. The information contained therein was sent to the House Judiciary Committee but was not publicly released.
Notable findings include how Michael Cohen, Trump’s former personal attorney, had to Google a number for the Kremlin after he told Sean Hannity that he was intent on setting up a meeting between Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Incredible: after Michael Cohen blustered to Hannity during the campaign about Trump maybe meeting with Putin, Trump asked him to try and set something up — so Cohen GOOGLED for a phone number for the Kremlin and cold called.
— Tom Gara (@tomgara) January 2, 2020
The circumstances surrounding Trump’s firing of FBI Director James Comey are also detailed, particularly Stephen Miller’s involvement in editing a letter announcing the firing.
Additionally, more information has come to light regarding Cohen’s meeting with Trump prior to his testimony before Congress, during which Cohen lied to lawmakers.
From Michael Cohen’s FBI 302 related to his meeting with Trump and Sekulow in May 2017 about Cohen’s upcoming congressional testimony:
“The intent of the meeting was to get DIRECTION from Trump and talk about what Cohen should do.”#MuellerMemos #FOIA
— Jason Leopold (@JasonLeopold) January 2, 2020
One amusing section notes how Cohen, while in Kazakstan working on a Trump Tower project, was asked if he was related to Sacha Baron Cohen, the actor who plays a Kazakstani tourist in the 2006 comedy film Borat.
The latest #muellermemos is full of interesting nuggets, but I dare you to find one funnier than this one.
— Anthony Cormier (@a_cormier_) January 2, 2020
The first wave of Mueller investigation documents was published in early November. The Justice Department is required by court order to produce at least 500 pages of documents each month.