More Than 700 U.S. Historians Call for Trump to be Impeached

More than 700 American historians have called for President Donald Trump to be impeached ahead of Wednesday’s vote in the House of Representatives. In an open letter published on Medium, the historians outlined their reasons for supporting Trump’s impeachment.
“We are American historians devoted to studying our nation’s past who have concluded that Donald J. Trump has violated his oath to ;faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States’ and to ‘preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States,'” the statement said.
“His ‘attempts to subvert the Constitution,’ as George Mason described impeachable offenses at the Constitutional Convention in 1787, urgently and justly require his impeachment.”
“President Trump’s numerous and flagrant abuses of power are precisely what the Framers had in mind as grounds for impeaching and removing a president,” the historians wrote.
“Among those most hurtful to the Constitution have been his attempts to coerce the country of Ukraine, under attack from Russia, an adversary power to the United States, by withholding essential military assistance in exchange for the fabrication and legitimization of false information in order to advance his own re-election.”
“President Trump’s actions committed both before and during the House investigations fit Hamilton’s description and manifest utter and deliberate scorn for the rule of law and ‘repeated injuries’ to constitutional democracy,” the letter concluded.
“That disregard continues and it constitutes a clear and present danger to the Constitution. We therefore strongly urge the House of Representatives to impeach the President.”
The letter ends with a list of all those who have signed it, their positions and examples of their historical work. The full letter can be read here.