Meghan McCain Compares Herself to Ex-Ambassador Threatened by Trump: He Went After Me Too!

During Tuesday’s broadcast of ABC chatfest The View, the panel took aim at Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) for demanding the media publish the name of the whistleblower at the heart of the impeachment inquiry against President Donald Trump.
“I haven’t been threatened by the president but I’ve certainly been — this is serious, Joy,” she said, letting Behar know this was a big deal. “When I worked at Fox he asked me to get fired. He tweeted for me to get fired because I was so terrible.”
“When President Trump says something about you and zeros you out, it is very scary and I know from experience it is very intense,” McCain continued. “His supporters come out just like heaves of zombie apocalyptic people coming to get you!”
“And it is very, very scary,” she concluded.
Read the rest of the piece at The Daily Beast.
Watch the clip above, via ABC.