Fox’s Judge Napolitano: Trump Committed ‘an Impeachable Offense’, His Language Will ‘Give Cover to Crazies Who Crave Violence’

Fox News’ Judge Andrew Napolitano has said that President Donald Trump has committed an impeachable offense by asking Ukraine for a favor in exchange for military aid. In a video and op-ed on the Fox News website, Napolitano goes further than anyone Fox personality so far in breaking from Trump.
Napolitano succinctly recaps the situation in Ukraine and the Russian invasion of the eastern part of that country, including the annexation of Crimea.
The Judge says of holding up aid to Ukraine in exchange for getting dirt on the Bidens: “That was a violation of federal law.”
“That is an impeachable offense. That is what the Democrats are seeking to investigate,” Napolitano says.
In the accompanying column, Napolitano says “the criminal behavior to which Trump has admitted is much more grave than anything alleged or unearthed by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, and much of what Mueller revealed was impeachable.”
Napolitano went on to criticize Trump’s use of language surrounding the Ukraine whistleblower and the impeachment inquiry. The President had suggested that the whistleblower could be executed for treason.
“The president’s allusions to violence are palpably dangerous. They will give cover to crazies who crave violence, as other intemperate words of his have done. His words have already produced offers of ‘bounties’ in return for outing and finding the whistleblower,” he writes.
“Trump also suggested that his impeachment would produce a second American Civil War. This language is a dog whistle to the deranged.”
Watch the video above, via