Japan, Uruguay And Venezuela Caution Citizens Travelling To The US Following Mass Shootings

Three foreign governments have issued travel advisories to their citizens who are travelling to the United States in the wake of mass shootings in Dayton, Ohio and El Paso, Texas. Japan, Uruguay and Venezuela issued warnings individually.
Uruguay’s foreign ministry warned its citizens to avoid Detroit, Baltimore, Albuquerque and other major US cities, claiming they are part of the 20 most dangerous cities in the world. Uruguayans were also warned about US gun culture.
The foreign ministry urged caution “in the face of growing indiscriminate violence, mostly for hate crimes, including racism and discrimination, which cost the lives of more than 250 people in the first seven months of this year.”
Separately, the Venezuelan government issued a travel advisory to its citizens, saying they should avoid large gatherings where shootings are likely to take place. And Japan – a key US ally – has warned its citizens about America’s ‘gun society’.
The Japanese Consul in Detroit said its citizens “should be aware of the potential for gunfire incidents everywhere in the United States.”
The Mexican government has said it may consider the El Paso shooting as a crime against Mexicans and could seek to extradite the suspected shooter.