British Government Minister Will Apologize To Ivanka Trump For Ambassador’s Comments

A British government minister will make an apology to Ivanka Trump during a visit to Washington, DC this week. Trade Secretary Liam Fox will apologize to President Donald Trump’s daughter for the contents of leaked cables from the UK ambassador to the US.
Ambassador Sir Kim Darroch outlined his concerns about the Trump administration in private diplomatic cables to the British government, which were leaked last week. Darroch called the administration ‘uniquely dysfunctional’ and said it will not improve.
Fox’s apology will seek to put the incident behind the UK government as it struggles to leave the European Union.
“I will be apologising for the fact that either our civil service or elements of our political class have not lived up to the expectations that either we have or the United States has about their behaviour, which in this particular case has lapsed in a most extraordinary and unacceptable way,” Fox said.
The move has been met with derision in the British press with many commentators believing no apology is necessary. Diplomats are expected to share candid analysis with their governments so decisions can be made based on accurate information. Darroch is an experienced career diplomat.
The British government appears to be worried that Trump will follow through on his threat not to deal with their ambassador. There are also concerns about trade negotiations between the two countries. The UK is on track to leave the EU without a deal and is scrambling for a free trade agreement with the US.
The President is known to be very close with his daughter, who has a position in the White House. However, it is unclear whether apologizing to her will have any effect on US-UK relations.