Fox’s Tucker Carlson: ‘New York Times’ Believes White South African Farmers ‘Deserved’ to Be Murdered

Months after getting basic facts wrong during a segment devoted to a South African plan to expropriate land to correct Apartheid-era concentration of land ownership, prompting the president to tweet that he’d look into the seizure of “land from white farmers,” Fox News’ Tucker Carlson once again went down a conspiratorial rabbit hole popular with white supremacists.
After pointing out the Times reported on Smit and “again concluded that it’s quote ‘false’ that farm murders are a real problem,” Carlson invoked Smit’s murder to blast the paper.
“But yesterday, four men broke into his home and shot him–it was the second farm murder in the Western Cape province in the last month,” he concluded. “According to the New York Times, they deserved it.”
Read the rest of the piece at The Daily Beast.
Watch the clip above, via Fox News.