Lindsey Graham Vows Vengeance Over Mueller Report, Promises to Investigate the Investigators

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) is promising vengeance for the Mueller report.
To be sure, he did not couch it in such apocalyptic terms at a press conference on Monday morning. But it is clear from his comments that the South Carolina senator wants to investigate some of the charges that have bubbled up from the right wing fever swamps over the course of the investigation. And he is not going to let a little thing such as these charges already being disproven stop him.
For example, he said he hoped reporters would become interested in Carter Page, saying “The FISA warrant issued against Carter Page, based on a dossier prepared by Christopher Steele, is at a minimum, disturbing. Whether or not it is illegal, I don’t yet know. I’m going to get answers to this.”
Except that this question was answered last July when the Trump administration declassified some of the documents related to the FISA warrant application against Page. And according to reports at the time, at least some of the materials did not come from the dossier. Some of it came from other sources, and some came from a 2013 investigation into Russians trying to recruit Americans as assets, during which the FBI discovered that they had targeted Page.
Obviously, this attempt at recruitment took place long before Donald Trump ran for president.
Graham returned to the theme later in the press conference, saying that he wants to know if the Steele dossier was the “primary source” for the FISA warrant on Page. Which contradicts what he said at the beginning, when he suggested that the warrant had been “based on” the Steele dossier. So whether it was the primary source would seem to be less relevant if the FBI had other sources of intel that caused suspicion of Page.
What Graham really wants is to spend all the time he can leading up to 2020 pounding Democrats over the investigation. That he is up for re-election next year is also not a coincidence.
Watch the clip up top, via MSNBC.