Elizabeth Warren: Mike Pence’s Homophobia Means He’s Not Honorable

Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren appeared on MSNBC’s Morning Joe Wednesday to discuss her views on a wide range of issues. The Massachusetts senator rebuked Vice President Mike Pence for homophobia and detailed her plan to break up big tech companies.
Morning Joe host Mika Brzezinski asked Warren a series of quickfire questions before the Senator went on to talk in detail about her plans for Amazon, Facebook and Google. Brzezinski wanted to know what Warren thought of Pence, whose opposition to LGBT rights is well-known.
“Is Mike Pence an honorable man?” Brzezinski asked.
“No,” Warren replied.
“OK. Would you like to expound upon that?
“Sure. Anyone who engages in the kind of homophobia and attacks on people who are different from himself is not an honorable person. That’s not what honorable people do.”
Brzezinski’s question follows a controversy surrounding former Vice President Joe Biden. Biden, who may soon enter the race for the Democratic presidential nominated, was criticized for saying Pence was a decent person. Many critics pointed out that Pence has previously supported laws discriminating against LGBT people and even gay conversion therapy.
Brzezinski also asked whether former President Bill Clinton should have resigned following the revelations of his affair with Monica Lewinsky. It’s not clear what relevance this question has to the 2020 election, but it keeps reappearing in interviews with Democrats.
“I don’t know. I can’t go back and litigate the 1990. That one – that one is beyond me,” Warren said.
Watch the video above, via MSNBC.