‘Daily Caller’ Reporter Apologizes For Old Anti-Semitic and N-Word Tweets

Daily Caller White House correspondent Amber Athey apologized late Thursday afternoon for a series of anti-Semitic, homophobic and racist tweets she sent out years ago. The tweets were unearthed after she made an appearance on the NRA’s media channel and blasted a Democratic congresswoman for a tweet she sent that has been called anti-Semitic.
During a segment on NRATV, Athey criticized the congresswoman for giving an “awful explanation for a horribly into-Semitic tweet” and saying she found it “stunning that the media has been asking all these Republicans to speak out on Steve King” but haven’t asked “the Democratic Party to grapple with the anti-Semitism within their own ranks.”
come on pic.twitter.com/R4ZiiDyG8M
— Timothy Johnson (@timothywjohnson) February 7, 2019
Following those remarks, Media Matters’ Timothy Johnson shared a number of screenshots of since-deleted tweets from Athey.
hmm pic.twitter.com/tIZXUz2zVI
— Timothy Johnson (@timothywjohnson) February 7, 2019
Some other lovely since-deleted tweets from Athey: pic.twitter.com/2Wfcornxec
— Timothy Johnson (@timothywjohnson) February 7, 2019
In a May 2012 post, the Daily Caller reporter told a clearly anti-Semitic joke, asking “how many jews can fit in a clown car?”
“1002. 2 in the seats and 1000 in the ash trays,” was the ‘punchline.’
Another May 2012 tweet made a stereotypical reference to Jewish nose sizes. She also used the n-word and “faggot” in a couple of other tweets from the same time period.
After her old tweets began to circulate on Twitter, Athey released a statement in which she apologized and claimed they were “intended as jokes among high school friends.”
My statement on old tweets that have resurfaced. I am profoundly sorry. pic.twitter.com/8XVwoaKi6F
— Amber Athey (@amber_athey) February 7, 2019
“I understand now that they are not funny and are in fact extremely harmful,” she added. “This past behavior does not reflect who I am today and will be one of the regrets I carry with me for the rest of my life.”
Johnson, for his part, noted that while Athey said she was sorry this time around for the bigoted tweets, she “was not at all contrite” when he posted one of those tweets last year.
Amber Athey has apologized. I will note that when I posted one of her antisemitic tweets in April 2018, she had a response to me that was not at all contrite. I guess this time something changed. pic.twitter.com/szqqxNGsoV
— Timothy Johnson (@timothywjohnson) February 7, 2019
“I guess this time something changed,” he concluded.
How many NRA fanatics can fit in a car?
None — they’ll all gun each other down while arguing about who gets to ride “shotgun”.