MAGA Fight! Ann Coulter Tells Newt Gingrich He’s In The ‘Kiss The Emperor’s Ass Camp’

With right-wing provocateur Ann Coulter loudly trashing President Donald Trump for caving to Democrats on by ending the 35-day government shutdown without getting any money for a border wall, Trump loyalist and outside adviser Newt Gingrich said the president shouldn’t listen to the conservative pundit because all she’s doing is making noise in order to sell more books.
Well, Coulter did not take that lying down, and unleashed a blistering attack on the former Speaker of the House.
With MAGA land currently divided over the president’s capitulation — sycophants such as Sean Hannity and Jeanine Pirro have tried to spin it positively for Trump while immigration hardliners like Coulter and Breitbart have blasted POTUS — Gingrich toed the line for the president during a Fox & Friends appearance Monday morning. Asked if Coulter’s reaction means Trump should be concerned he’s losing his far-right base, Gingrich said the president should just wave her off.
“He should not pay any attention to Ann Coulter,” Gingrich declared. “Ann Coulter doesn’t run for office. She doesn’t know anything about how to put a majority together. She is off in fantasy land which she gets to be noisy which helps her sell books.”
He went on to state that the president’s base will stick with him and they understand that Trump needs to find a way to compromise with Democrats in order to get the wall.
It didn’t take long for the In Trump We Trust author to respond to Gingrich. Reacting to the longtime politico saying she lives in “fantasyland,” Coulter mockingly noted that it “has now come to my attention that Trump HAS built the full border wall & it’s working BEAUTIFULLY. That is why Trump is sailing to re-election!”
Newt Gingrich claims I'm in "fantasyland" for criticizing the president for breaking his central campaign promise. It has now come to my attention that Trump HAS built the full border wall & it's working BEAUTIFULLY. That is why Trump is sailing to re-election!
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) January 28, 2019
She then fired off several tweets that revolved around the same theme — that Gingrich is nothing more than a Trump ass-kisser.
Newt’s right — I’m just selling books. But at least I don’t have to kiss Trump’s ass to do so.
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) January 28, 2019
RIDDLE OF THE DAY: How do you break Newt Gingrich’s nose? (ANSWER: Kick Donald Trump in the ass.)
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) January 28, 2019
Poor Newt. At least Rudy got a job.
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) January 28, 2019
Newt seems to believe that you have to run for office to comment on public affairs. The constitution doesn’t just give free speech to disgraced politicians. It also affords speech rights to another category called “citizens.”
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) January 28, 2019
The great thing about Newt is, you can always count on him to tell truth to power.
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) January 28, 2019
Trump voters have fallen into 2 factions: The Tell the Truth faction and the Kiss the Emperor’s Ass camp. Newt and I have picked different camps.
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) January 28, 2019
She ended it with the following tweet:
LITTLE-KNOWN LITERARY FACT: "The Emperor’s New Clothes" had to be edited for space. Lost was the scene where court haberdasher Newt Gingrich said, “Sir, you look splendid!"
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) January 28, 2019
“LITTLE-KNOWN LITERARY FACT: “The Emperor’s New Clothes” had to be edited for space,” Coulter wrote. “Lost was the scene where court haberdasher Newt Gingrich said, ‘Sir, you look splendid!'”
Watch the clip above, via Fox News.