Dem Congressman Wonders If ‘Everything Is Alright’ With Giuliani: ‘He Sounds Like A Crazy Old Uncle’

Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani left legal experts and folks in Trump world perplexed this past weekend with his comments related to President Donald Trump’s Moscow Trump Tower discussions and the president’s possible conversations with former lawyer Michael Cohen regarding Cohen’s Congressional testimony. After saying Trump told him the Moscow talks continued through the day he won the presidency, Giuliani released a statement on Monday walking back his remarks.
Appearing on CNN this afternoon, Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-VA) also expressed concern about Giuliani’s mental well-being, wondering out loud whether the former New York City mayor was okay and saying he sounded like a “crazy old uncle.”
“What do you think of the president’s attorney Giuliani shifting his story multiple times over the past 24 hours?” Wolf Blitzer asked Connolly, noting the different stances Giuliani has taken recently.
“It has been a remarkable thing to see and one wonders if everything is alright with Rudy Giuliani or is this a Machiavellian plan to sorta seed the ground for huge retreat,” the Democratic lawmaker responded, adding that he believes it is a “combination.”
Blitzer immediately jumped in and asked him what he was suggesting by wondering aloud whether Giuliani was okay.
“He sounds like a crazy old uncle,” Connolly exclaimed. “In contradicting himself and admitting things that herefore the White House and Mr. Giuliani have steadfastly, absolutely denied. No collusion! Now all of a sudden there was maybe collusion but just not with the president himself.”
He continued, “Trump Tower — absolutely not. Nothing was going on during the campaign. Well, maybe it went through October, November. You mean, when he was getting elected president? They were still negotiating?”
The Virginia Democrat went on to bring up BuzzFeed’s disputed report alleging that Special Counsel Robert Mueller has evidence that Trump directed Cohen to lie to Congress regarding how long Trump discussed the Moscow project in an effort to obscure his involvement, noting that Giuliani is now saying maybe Cohen and Trump talked about the testimony.
A Democratic congressman calling Giuliani a “crazy old uncle”? Yeah, that’s gonna get some play in the MAGAsphere.
Watch the clip above, via CNN.