C-SPAN Caller: Trump Will Build ‘Golden Wall,’ Shutdown Brings Us Closer To Second Coming Of Christ

Calling into C-SPAN’s Washington Journal Wednesday morning, a Trump-loving viewer expressed his support for the government shutdown by stating that it will help bring the world closer to the second coming of Jesus Christ, adding that the president will also build a “golden wall” along the Mexican and Canadian borders.
Taking calls from supporters and detractors of the partial federal government shutdown during the fifth day of the impasse, C-SPAN’s John McArdle brought on “Scott from New York.” And Scott had some thoughts.
“I’m in support of it because I’m waiting for a second coming and we just celebrated the first coming of Jesus,” the caller said. “But Jesus is coming back.”
From there, it only got more, umm, interesting.
Scott helpfully provided the president with a detailed plan on how “illegals can pay” for the border wall. With the government shut down, the solution is to create a bill that will tax every business that has any ties to other companies “that have hired any illegal aliens in the past.” If they do, the president takes away the tax breaks he just gave them in the last tax bill.
“We take that tax break back and we can build a GOLDEN wall across both the Mexican and the Canadian border!” Scott exclaimed.
He added, “I wanted the shutdown because I can’t wait for when Jesus comes back and gets the righteous real people and takes them to heaven.”
C-SPAN has had quite a year when it comes to viewers calling into its programs. They were forced to bleep and drop a caller who shouted out “death to that n****er Obama” and contacted the FBI after a man threatened to shoot CNN hosts Don Lemon and Brian Stelter during a call-in.
Watch the clip above, via C-SPAN.
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