Trump’s Presidency Could Begin To Unravel Amid Investigations And Guilty Pleas

President Donald Trump’s world is crumbling around him, according to many commentators who have been watching recent developments. Trump’s formerly reliable allies are turning on him, his potential legal troubles are mounting and even friendly media personalities are changing their tune.
Trump’s former lawyer and ‘fixer’ Michael Cohen was sentenced to 36 months in prison yesterday for a variety of crimes, including paying illegal hush money payments to women Trump had affairs with. Shortly after his sentence was announced, it was revealed that the publishers of the National Enquirer were co-operating with the Southern District of New York.
American Media Inc. is accused of conspiring with Cohen to pay off a Playboy model to keep silent about her affair with Trump. American Media’s CEO David Pecker is a long-time Trump friend and ally. The National Enquirer has supported Trump for years, helping to boost his profile. Pecker is now co-operating with the authorities.
Questions have also been raised about Vice President Mike Pence and his comments during the transition period about Lt. General Michael Flynn’s son. Pence, among others, said that Flynn’s son was not involved in the transition. It now appears that he was involved, with potential security implications.
Trump will not be able to take much comfort from his usual friends in the media, either. In recent days, normally reliable Trump backers have begun to publicly criticize the President. Fox News’ Tucker Carlson has questioned Trump’s ability to achieve his aims and Laura Ingraham has criticized Trump’s claims on the border wall. Even Ann Coulter has started to question him.
All this bad news for Trump comes as he’s looking for a new chief of staff and struggling to find anyone willing to do the job. General John Kelly has already been questioned in connection with Robert Mueller’s probe and is on the way out, leaving Trump without an effective right hand. The President is likely to feel increasingly cornered in the coming weeks.