Fox Biz Guest: Nike’s ‘Marxist’ Kaepernick Commercial Is ‘Like 9/11 And Pearl Harbor’

Did you know that a Nike commercial featuring Colin Kaepernick is akin to thousands of Americans dying in attacks by foreign aggressors?
It was a given that after Nike unveiled the former San Francisco quarterback as one of the faces of its latest ad campaign that conservatives were going to lost their collective minds. And they didn’t disappoint, as countless hours of Fox and talk radio airtime was devoted to the subject. Still, even with all the hyperventilating kneeling football players and the national anthem, a Monday Fox Business segment takes the cake for over-the-top rhetoric.
Appearing on Varney and Co., old-school former NFL player Burgess Owens was asked by host Stuart Varney to comment on two Miami Dolphins players kneeling during the anthem on Sunday. After saying it was up to the owners to set parameters to make sure the players “know what’s right and wrong,” Owens delivered a mini-tirade in which he railed against Kap and globalists while bringing up acts of war.
“We now just have Nike, for instance, just joining the fray,” the ex-Jet said. “And, as we see a little bit less, probably, of the kneeling, we’re going to still see the narrative by Nike, and that is a Marxist who’s going to be the face in commercials in NFL games from this point moving on.”
He continued, “We have to look at the bigger picture and understand in America that we’re under assault. It’s like 9/11 and Pearl Harbor, we’re being assaulted by the left. And we need to understand who they are. They’re globalists, and they’re leftist globalists. The worst thing that can happen to our country is to let them get away with it and not understand what their long game is. It’s not American, it’s not about patriotism. It’s profit and politics for them.”
Varney’s reaction? He asked Owens the name of his book. The ex-player namechecked his upcoming tome — Why I Stand: From Freedom to the Killing Fields of Socialism — and his previous book, Liberalism or How to Turn Good Men into Whiners, Weenies and Wimps.
Watch the clip below, via Media Matters.
So Owens is saying we’re “under attack” by a bunch of “whiners, weenies and wimps”. Wow, that sounds pretty scary.