C-SPAN Bleeps Out And Drops Caller Who Shouts ‘Death To The N***er Obama!’

C-SPAN just having a banner month with callers.
Two weeks after a viewer called into Washington Journal and threatened to shoot CNN hosts Brian Stelter and Don Lemon after falsely claiming the cable news personalities had called all Trump voters racist, another caller had to be bleeped out and dropped after he wished death on the 44th President of the United States.
With host Paul Orgel discussing the week’s political news with Washington Post opinion editor Paul Waldman and Washington Examiner editor James Antle, Orgel opened up the phone lines and welcomed on Republican caller “Christopher” from Whitehead.
“Good morning,” the caller said. “Barack Obama is an illegal alien.”
Orgel then asked “Christopher” how he knew this before the seven-second-delay took effect. While the call was bleeped out, Waldman can be seen raising his eyebrows as he reacted to what the caller said.
“We will try to get somebody who has something constructive to add to the conversation,” Orgel said when the sound came back, moving onto the next caller.
Waldman later took to Twitter to note what “Christopher” exclaimed that led to him being silenced and dropped — “Death to the n***er Obama!”
The most exciting part of my appearance on C-SPAN this morning was definitely when a caller shouted "Death to the ni**er Obama!"
— Paul Waldman (@paulwaldman1) August 19, 2018
Watch the clip above, via C-SPAN.