Joe Scarborough Goes There With Rudy Giuliani: ‘Does He Have Early Onset Of Dementia?’

Trump attorney and former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani has exhibited a bit of a tendency to issue contradictory statements and shifting explanations in his numerous media appearances representing the president in the Russia probe. This happened once again on Sunday when he told CNN anchor Jake Tapper that he never said President Trump asked then-FBI Director James Comey to give former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn a break, causing Tapper to play the video clip of Giuliani saying that exact thing just a month ago.
Discussing Giuliani’s backtrack/contradiction/straight up lie, the Morning Joe crew offered up some different thoughts and observations. One of the potential explanations pushed forth was the concern that the one-time America’s Mayor may not be all there right now.
“What are we to make of that?” Joe Scarborough asked political analyst John Heilemann after playing video of Giuliani’s comments. “Is Rudy Giuliani making it up as he goes along? Is he purposefully lying? Does he have early onset of dementia? How does he go from yesterday saying he never asked that question to, of course, having a tape where clearly a couple weeks ago he said that’s precisely what the president said?”
Heilemann responded by stating he doesn’t “want to rule out early onset” while noting that it is more likely that Giuliani is indeed making it up as he goes along or just plain ol’ lying.
“Giuliani, as I said before, his credibility is basically zero on pretty much everything at this point because he’s contradicted himself over and over and over again,” he said. “But we are now veering into a new terrain in terms of the kind of deception that they’re trying to perpetrate and that he’s trying to perpetrate in this context.”
Heilemann added that Giuliani “is pushing a sustained campaign of gaslighting” but that it his fabrication is getting so extreme that it leads to him getting tripped up on his own words from just weeks before.
Meanwhile, Scarborough concluded by stating that one can call this the “death of truth” but that this is probably best described as the “renaissance of stupid.”
Watch the clip above, via MSNBC.