The Mooch Apparently Thinks Parody North Korea Twitter Account Is The Real Deal

Oh, Mooch.
It would appear that short-lived White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci is the latest person to be fooled by the brilliant North Korea parody account @DPRK_News. On Friday, the frequent cable news guest and passionate Trump loyalist took to Twitter to call on North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un to get back to the negotiating table in the wake of President Trump calling off next month’s peace summit, tagging DPRK News.
The best case scenario looks like Zimbabwe or Venezuela for Kim. Kim need to know that. @DPRK_News Get back to the table and on your way to economic prosperity. @POTUS @realDonaldTrump
— Anthony Scaramucci (@Scaramucci) May 25, 2018
Of course, folks on Twitter noticed this right away and tweaked the former White House spokesperson over the faux pas.
Yo, Anthony @DPRK_News is the most real news source.
— Matt’s Idea Shop (@MattsIdeaShop) May 25, 2018
I’m sure noted parody site @DPRK_News will respond to noted 11-day White House employee Mooch
— Ryan (@ryrob97) May 25, 2018
someone tell the Mooch @DPRK_News is a parody account
— Caleb Ecarma (@calebecarma) May 25, 2018
To be fair, Mooch is far from the only one who has fallen for the infamous account and thought it represented the North Korean government’s state-run media agency. Last July, the New York Times included a tweet from DPRK News in a story about North Korea’s first ICBM launch, later issuing a correction.