Donald Trump’s Approval Rating Falls To Historic Low Just Days Before Inauguration

President-elect Donald Trump’s approval rating is now at 40 per cent with just days until he is sworn in as president. Trump’s handling of the transition to the presidency and his cabinet selections, along with recent attacks on his critics, seem to have dented his approval rating.
The number of Americans who approve of Trump has dropped 6 per cent since the election, when Trump won a narrow electoral college vote and lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes. Disapproval of Trump now stands at 51 per cent, according to a new CNN/ORC poll.
Trump had an approval rating of 45 per cent just before the election when polls indicated Hillary Clinton would win. Approval ratings obviously have no effect on electoral outcomes now that inauguration day is approaching, but Trump has historically low approval for a president-elect.
Many have used social media to express dissatisfaction with Trump in the past week following his criticism of civil rights hero Congressman John Lewis and his decision to claim outgoing CIA Director John Brennan leaked an unverified Russian dossier on Trump.
Protests are planned for inauguration day and several Democrats are boycotting the ceremony. Trump’s continued tweeting and feuding with public figures may further dent his popularity when he takes office.
Just forty percentage points?
That was forty percentage points too high.
The Chump deserved to have an approval rating of NO percentage points!