Iowa Woman Arrested After Voting For Donald Trump Twice

A woman in Iowa has been arrested after casting two votes for Donald Trump. The woman said she thought the election would be rigged and was worried that her first vote wouldn’t be counted for Trump. She was taking part in early voting in the swing state.
Des Moines police arrested Terri Lynn Rote on suspicion of casting two ballots. Rote allegedly voted in two different early voting stations. Donald Trump has warned about the election being rigged despite tiny rates of in person voter fraud. Rote’s case is extremely rare.
“I wasn’t planning on doing it twice, it was spur of the moment,” Rote said. “The polls are rigged.” Rote’s words echo Trump’s warnings about the election being stolen from him. Trump has repeatedly refused to say whether he will accept the outcome of the election if he loses.
Rote said she thought her first vote for Donald Trump would be counted for Hillary Clinton and she decided to vote again to make sure her vote was counted for Trump. Trump has claimed he has received reports about voting machines changing votes to Clinton. There is no evidence of widespread voter fraud. Rote was released on a $5,000 bond.
This unusual case of in person voter fraud could be replicated by Trump voters who believe the election will be stolen. Trump has encouraged his supporters to watch polling places on November 8th to make sure voter fraud doesn’t happen. This has raised fears of voter intimidation.