Trump Doubles Down On His ‘Obama’s A Secret Muslim And ISIS Sympathizer’ Theory

If Republicans were hoping that their standard-bearer, one Donald J. Trump, would perhaps realize that going full birther was a bad move in a general election setting, they had to be disappointed with what they saw Wednesday morning.
On a day where a new ABC-Washington Post poll shows that 70% of Americans now view Trump unfavorably, the former reality TV star decided to double down on the insinuations he made the day before. Taking to his favorite mode of communication, Twitter, the Trumpster claimed that a Breitbart(!) article completely validated his hinting that President Obama is a terrorist sympathizer because he’s a secret Muslim.
An: Media fell all over themselves criticizing what DonaldTrump “may have insinuated about @POTUS.” But he’s right:
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 15, 2016
Of course, the Breitbart piece does no such thing as proving Obama supported ISIS. It tries to use a memo, along with a bunch of connecting the dots, to make the case that the US government’s tepid support of the insurgency in Syria in 2012 was akin to creating ISIS. Therefore, we are to make the leap that this was actually a clandestine plot by the Obama Administration to create a radical Islamic organization that would terrorize both the Middle East and the West.
Trump has rightfully taken a ton of shit for his reaction to the Orlando shooting. A new poll out Wednesday shows that only 25% of Americans approve of his response, while 51% feel it was inappropriate. And, let’s face it, that is mostly regarding his humble-bragging on Twitter and then giving a bigoted, unhinged speech the next day. It really isn’t fully taking into account his ‘Obama was in on it’ hot take.
Anyway, day’s not over. Sure we’ll get more from the giant Oompa Loompa by nightfall.
Viewing Trumps insanity would be entertaining if it were a reality TV show, but given he’s a serious contender for the highest elected office in the United States, he’s an embarrassment that makes us look like a laughing stock to the rest of the world.