Ben Carson Immediately Walks Back Remarks Backing Up Donald Trump’s Insane 9/11 Claims

You may have heard in the past day or so that Republican Presidential frontrunner and aged catcher’s mitt Donald Trump insisted that he saw video of “thousands and thousands” of New Jersey Muslims dancing and celebrating as the Twin Towers fell on 9/11. Despite the fact that there is no evidence that this ever happened, Trump and his sycophants have doubled down on this claim and maintained that this REALLY happened, pointing to a Washington Post article that mentions New Jersey police questioning some people who allegedly held rooftop parties that day. (There was no follow-up article and police have said that this is essentially an urban myth.)
Anyway, perhaps in an effort to reestablish himself as Trump’s equal when it comes to spouting the crazy, GOP opponent and really bad stabber Ben Carson told reporters that he also saw news footage of American Muslims celebrating. Speaking at a campaign event on Monday, the good doctor jumped on the silly train, likely hoping it would help boost his sagging poll numbers. Answering a question on Trump’s remarks, Carson said he definitely “saw the film” of Muslims in New Jersey dancing on 9/11.
WATCH: @RealBenCarson tells ABC he saw news footage of Muslims in New Jersey cheering as towers fell on 9/11:
— ABC News Politics (@ABCPolitics) November 23, 2015
Well, after a short amount of time, and probably because he didn’t warn his team that he was going to go full nutter to the press yet again, Carson’s campaign walked back his comments, stating that what he really meant is that he saw Muslims in the Middle East celebrating the destruction of the World Trade Center. (This has never been in doubt, as that footage was widely broadcast at the time.)
Carson camp says he doesn’t stand behind comments & apologizes.Was thinking of Middle East, not New Jersey,camp says — Katherine Faulders (@KFaulders) November 23, 2015
So ends another attempt by a GOP candidate to latch on to some of Trump’s fascist assholery, only to realize that you can’t out-Trump Trump and it’s best to not even try. Meanwhile, The Donald’s fanboys will insist that their hero is absolutely telling the God’s honest truth and that they themselves also remember seeing those images. (In fact, PolitiFact has already received correspondence from them after they gave Trump yet another Pants on Fire grade.)