Bobby Jindal’s Campaign Team Tells Twitter To #AskBobby, Totally Wish They Could Take It Back

Remember Bobby Jindal? You know, the Republican Governor of Louisiana who recently announced that he’s running for President of the United States. Yeah, he’s the guy who chastised his party for being the “stupid party.” He’s also the man who buddied up the Duck Dynasty dudes, even after the rest of the America brushed them off. Well, on Tuesday, in an effort to snag questions from voters and constituents for a town hall Q&A, his SuperPAC Believe Again decided to have them take to Twitter and pose a question to Jindal using the hashtag #AskBobby.
Have questions for Bobby Jindal? Tweet us with #AskBobby and he might answer it at our town hall event tonight.
— Believe Again (@BelieveAgainGOP) June 30, 2015
.@BobbyJindal town hall will be at 6 p.m. in Waukee, Iowa. They’re taking questions with #AskBobby hashtag.
— Elizabeth Crisp (@elizabethcrisp) June 30, 2015
Well, I think you see where this is going. You would think that someone at Believe Again or Jindal’s camp would realize what a dumb fucking decision this is and that #AskBobby would become a trending item on Twitter for all the wrong reasons. However, it appears that no one close to Bobby intervened, and the hashtag was quickly hijacked. (Yes, we all know PACs can’t “interact” with candidates, but come on now!)
Not sure if Jindal were able to get any serious questions out of the traffic jam of trollery that resulted. Just digging through the responses, it appears that a number of liberals, Democrats and people who just want to fuck with Bobby inundated the feed with digs at the unpopular Governor. Whether it was making fun of his belief in Creationism, or his anti-gay rhetoric, or his general lack of popularity among Republicans and Louisiana residents, there was a lot to take in Tuesday while perusing the responses.
Below are some of the best ones:
You said the GOP shouldn’t be the stupid party. When do you plan to start that? #AskBobby
— Lenny (@DimeStoreNinja) June 30, 2015
Many have responded to the news of your candidacy with laughter. Thoughts? #AskBobby
— Bearded Stoner (@beardedstoner) June 30, 2015
@BelieveAgainGOP How is it that you’re polling lower than Ebola in Louisiana? #AskBobby
— John F Dillon (@JFD8) June 30, 2015
Do you plan to have any semblance of a political career after you fail to make it to the primaries? #AskBobby
— Jon Swamp (@colonelnemo) June 30, 2015
Can you tell me the difference between Obama’s “illegal executive orders” and your “totes legit executive orders?” #AskBobby
— Ben Moser (@benjaminmoser) June 30, 2015
#AskBobby do you plan to put America into a hole like you did with Louisiana?
— No bitch (@brownskindevil) June 30, 2015
Are you using the hashtag #AskBobby instead of #AskPiyush because you know your racist party wouldn’t elect you if they knew your name?
— Just Me (@justme277) June 30, 2015
#AskBobby – @BobbyJindal As POTUS, how would you continue to perpetuate scientific illiteracy like you have in Louisiana?
— NonProphetess (@nonprophetess) June 30, 2015
.@BobbyJindal how did they fit T-Rex on the Ark? #AskBobby
— Zack Kopplin (@ZackKopplin) June 30, 2015
If you’re going to spend 5 days a week in Iowa can we put the gov mansion on AirBnB & make up some of the deficit you’ve created? #AskBobby
— Larry (@LarryLarmeu) June 30, 2015
#askBobby How come your kids attend school where they learn real science & evolution but you don’t want the other children of La to learn?
— M. Morel-Ensminger (@RevMelanieNOLA) June 30, 2015
what’s it like being the troy ave of politics? #AskBobby @BobbyJindal
— neil mccauley (@the_blueprint) June 30, 2015
.@BobbyJindal Who on your team thought a Twitter Q&A wouldn’t open your awful ideas to mockery, and when will you fire them? #AskBobby
— Phil Plait (@BadAstronomer) June 30, 2015
he wasn’t dumb enough to do #askbobby. he couldn’t have been.
— Bomani Jones (@bomani_jones) June 30, 2015
Which is the more dishonest branding: the preppy Robertson family as redneck luminaries or you as a white guy? #AskBobby
— Steven Salaita (@stevesalaita) June 30, 2015
And the beat goes on and on and on. Bobby Jindal, folks! The guy who wants to prevent the GOP from being the stupid party!