Alan Dershowitz Compares Himself to Founding Fathers, Relieved the Epstein Indictment Doesn’t Mention Him

Alan Dershowitz is basically like one of the nation’s Founding Fathers, according to Alan Dershowitz.
The famous lawyer and Martha’s Vineyard pariah called into Joe Piscopo’s radio show on Tuesday morning to give his take on the case of his former client, Jeffrey Epstein, after Epstein was arrested on charges of sex trafficking of minors over the weekend. Mostly he used it as an opportunity to be relieved that the indictment against Epstein didn’t mention him before engaging in some conspiracy-mongering about why anyone is even reporting the allegations of two of Epstein’s victims that Dershowitz had sex with them.
At least two women have claimed that Epstein directed them to have sex with Dershowitz while they were still teenagers. One claimed her encounter with Dershowitz happened in Epstein’s Palm Beach home around 2005 or 2006, when the Dersh would have been in his late sixties. This would have been just before Dershowitz helped negotiate a sweetheart plea deal for Epstein after the latter was arrested on charges he was running a sex ring of teenagers out of his house. It is that plea deal, cut with then-U.S. Attorney and current Labor Secretary Alex Acosta, that has Democrats calling for Acosta’s resignation.
The second girl claimed she had multiple encounters with Dershowitz in Epstein’s homes in Palm Beach, New Mexico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, as well as aboard one of the billionaire’s private jets.
Dershowitz has forecefully denied the charges, filed bar complaints in three states against David Boies, who is representing one of the women in a lawsuit against Epstein, and has generally worked hard to paint himself as a victim of false accusations.
Which leads into his Tuesday conversation with Piscopo. After saying that Boies had admitted there was no evidence tying him to the girl, Dershowitz said that he “doesn’t worry” about the claims sticking:
“In America, a falsely accused person has the right to defend himself. Whether it was Alexander Hamilton defending himself, John Adams defending himself against Thomas Jefferson, every American should have the right to defend from a false accusation.”
No one has claimed that Dershowitz does not have the right to defend himself against accusations he says are false. Obviously he has that right. It is the comparing his martyrdom to, say, Alexander Hamiltion defending paying blackmail over his affair with Maria Reynolds, is a bit much.
Dershowitz also went on to claim without evidence that the accusations against him “are clearly motivated by the fact that I have defended Trump on constitutional grounds. Some of it is motivated by the fact that I have defended Bibi Netanyahu and Israel.” He also claimed that one website admitted it would not be covering the story at all except that Dershowitz is so pro-Israel that it needs “to silence his voice.”
So to sum up, Alan Dershowitz is being persecuted over these grubby charges as revenge for his defending Trump and advocating for Israel. Which is just like Alexander Hamilton, apparently.
Listen to the clip of Piscopo’s show above, via WNYM, starting around the 1:40 mark.