Diamond And Silk Weigh In On Mueller Report, Slam Hillary For Carrying Hot Sauce

Fox & Friends took something of a victory lap Friday morning following the publication of the heavily redacted Special Counsel’s report. From falsely claiming the report cleared President Donald Trump of obstruction to suggesting Hillary Clinton was to blame for Russian hacking, the Fox News flagship morning show hit all its marks.
Semi-regular guests Diamond and Silk then weighed in on Robert Mueller’s report, delivering the usual predictable pro-Trump talking points. Lynnete Hardaway (Diamond) and Rochelle Richardson (Silk) are described by the network as ‘Fox Nation Personalities.’
The duo were asked about their views of the media, excluding Fox News, of course.
“First of all, they probably are upset because they got caught up in their lies,” Hardaway said. She generally answers questions during interviews with the two, with Richardson only rarely venturing a complete opinion.
“And they’re trying to use other lies to cover up their original lie,” Hardaway said, with occasional support from Richardson. “They’ve lost all credibility. They deceived and mislead the public for over two years all because Hillary Clinton lost and they’re trying to blame Russia collusion is the reason Hillary Clinton lost.”
“She lost because she had no substance. She lost because she was a bad candidate. Her running around with hot sauce was not going to do it.”
Clinton revealed she carries hot sauce with her, a habit she’s apparently had for years, but it was an admission that earned her widespread mockery. Some accused her of ham-fisted pandering to African-American voters, which is likely what Hardaway is referencing.
“You have to understand also that the media is trying to divert attention away from what really happened,” Hardaway said. “The government officials that participated in, that masterminded, that orchestrated all of this here collusion mess, they need to be brought to justice. It’s time to investigate the investigators. They don’t want the issues to get out. And that’s why they’re trying to divert our attention away and trying to push this obstruction of justice mess when there was no obstruction of justice.”
Richardson then made a rare intervention. She normally just agrees with Hardaway and doesn’t add anything of her own. The Mueller Report seems to have convinced her to say something substantive.
“That’s right,” Richardson said. “And I only have one word for the left wing media, well, two, suck it up, buttercup. That’s four.”
The duo went on to express their admiration for Attorney General William Barr, who has been widely criticized for his actions, even by Fox News’ own journalists.
Watch the video above, via Fox News.