After Tucker Carlson Mocks His Masculinity, Chris Hayes Trolls Fox Host With Gym Video

A day after Fox News host Tucker Carlson mockingly said that he was “what every man would be if feminists ever achieved absolute power in this country,” MSNBC host Chris Hayes expertly trolled the conservative primetime star by posting a cheekily-captioned video of him lifting weights.
At the top of Tucker Carlson Tonight Monday night, Carlson took aim at his 8 PM cable news competitor, directly comparing him to daytime talk host Ellen Degeneres and attempting to shame Hayes by saying he’s a feminist’s dream because he’s “apologetic, bespectacled, and deeply, deeply concerned about global warming and the patriarchal systems that cause it.”
The All In host, meanwhile, turned the tables on Tucker on Tuesday.
With much of social media abuzz about Carlson’s remarks and how they likely revealed deep-seated insecurity on his part, Hayes posted a story on his Instagram page that first highlighted this author’s write-up of the Tucker segment before showing video of Hayes getting at it in the gym.
“Every quarter the Feminarchist Junta requires all adult males to present themselves for fitness inspection,” Hayes wrote. “Failure to pass results in summary execution.”
So now that Hayes has returned fire, will Carlson respond in kind Tuesday evening? Will we see him slamming his delts with some sick reps to show how manly he is?