Candace Owens: CNN Suspending Paris Dennard Over Sexual Harassment Allegations Is ‘Public Lynching’

Candace “Red Pill Black’ Owens is just having a banner week.
The TPUSA communications director, who became a rising star in conservative media after Kanye West said he loves the way she thinks, decided to weigh in Thursday morning on CNN suspending political commentator Paris Dennard following a Washington Post report that Dennard was fired from a previous job over sexual harassment allegations.
“Here is the viral clip of an “uppity black” standing up to the intelligence community on national TV,” she tweeted, referring to Dennard’s on-air fight with CNN’s Phil Mudd that was later lauded by President Trump. “This garnered praise from @realDonaldTrump.”
Here is the viral clip of an “uppity black” standing up to the intelligence community on national TV. This garnered praise from @realDonaldTrump.
Two days later, sexual assault allegations from 2014 surface and he is fired.
L Y N C H E D.
— Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) August 23, 2018
Owens added, “Two days later, sexual assault allegations from 2014 surface and he is fired. L Y N C H E D.”
This was the end of a mini-tweetstorm on the Dennard matter that also included Owens hyping an extreme outlier poll to claim Trump is gaining huge ground with black voters and that Dennard’s suspension was a “public lynching.”
Two days ago, @PARISDENNARD, a black Trump supporter, was praised by the president. Today, he is trending across the media as he was just fired from @CNN for sexual assault allegations from 2014.
Black Trump supporters, PAY ATTENTION. This is a public lynching—first of many.
— Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) August 23, 2018
I want everyone to pay attention to what is happening to @PARISDENNARD and remember my words:
The media will begin digging and perpetuating stories (lynchings) of EVERY prominent black Trump supporter there is. The recent polling of black support for Trump at 36% is the reason.
— Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) August 23, 2018
So, just a few things to unpack here. One, Dennard hasn’t been fired by CNN — at least, not yet. The network suspended the pro-Trump pundit as it looks into the matter.
Two, can someone please explain lynchings and the history behind them to Owens? Like, for real.
Three, her basis for the 36% black approval rating of Trump is a Rasmussen poll that doesn’t share its methodology for reaching that conclusion. The polling company also has a severe Republican bias and has continuously pushed a meteoric rise in black approval for Trump — something that Trump has gleefully tweeted out. Meanwhile, higher quality polls that are transparent about their date methods show Trump’s approval rating among blacks at 12 percent — only slightly higher than the eight percent who voted for him in 2016.