Brooke Baldwin After Trump’s ‘Double Negative’ Walk-Back: ‘Three Little Words. This. Is. Ridiculous.’

More than a day after he was roundly criticized and condemned for siding with Russian President Vladimir Putin over America’s intelligence agencies on the issue of Russian election interference, President Donald Trump attempted to walk back his remarks by claiming it was a situation of him not wanting to use a “double negative” in a sentence.
“I said the word would instead of wouldn’t and the sentence should have been — and I thought it would be maybe a little bit unclear on the transcript or unclear on the actual video, “Trump said in prepared remarks Tuesday afternoon. “The sentence should have been ‘I don’t see any reason why it wouldn’t be Russia.’Sort of a double negative. So you can put that in, and I think that probably clarifies things pretty good by itself.”
With this excuse getting absolutely pilloried in real-time online, CNN anchor Brooke Baldwin reacted as soon as CNN was done airing the president’s remarks.
“All right, I’ve got everyone standing by,” Baldwin incredulously stated. “Let me just say three little words. This. Is. Ridiculous.”
She continued, “I want to hone in on one point and we’re all going to chat because a lot of this is, however, many days in his presidency and acknowledging that, all right, yes, it was Russia who meddled but it’s the apparent slip of the tongue that the president is honing in on that the word would versus wouldn’t when he was speaking about this in Helsinki.”
Correspondent Dana Bash weighed in, “If only that entire spectacle, unbelievably historically embarrassing spectacle could have been fixed with an n, an apostrophe and a t.”
Watch the clip above, via CNN.
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