CNN’s Paul Begala On Scott Pruitt’s Resignation Letter: ‘That’s Brown-Nosing Of A Whole New Level’

Thursday finally brought the resignation of embattled EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt, Despite being embroiled in countless ethical controversies, it took seemingly forever for Pruitt to lose his job and the announcement of his resignation came as a genuine surprise because it appeared that President Donald Trump was willing to stand by the scandalous Cabinet member due to Pruitt’s zealous commitment to deregulation.
After Trump announced the move on Twitter (natch) and congratulated Pruitt for the “outstanding job” he had done heading the EPA, the former Oklahoma attorney general’s resignation letter was made public. And upon first viewing, liberal pundit Paul Begala said Pruitt was speaking of Trump as if he were a deity.
“He talks to the president as if the president is god,” the CNN political contributor said during a panel discussion Thursday afternoon. “I say this as a person of faith — it’s shocking!”
He continued, “Second sentence of the letter says, ‘Truly, your confidence in me has blessed me personally and enabled me to advance your agenda.’ Wow! Wow! That’s brown-nosing of a whole new level!”
Begala went on to express surprise over Pruitt talking about Trump blessing him and asked his colleagues if he was over-reading it. Off camera, another panelist said “it’s brown-nosing.”
Meanwhile, referring to Pruitt’s complaints about the “unrelenting attacks” against him, political commentator Amanda Carpenter said it was obvious Pruitt was depicting himself as a martyr.
Watch the clip above, via CNN.