‘Feels Like An Emmy Winning Episode’: Julia Louis-Dreyfus Tweets ‘Veep’ Mashup Of Spicer’s Hitler Gaffe

If Tuesday’s brutal White House press briefing featuring Press Secretary Sean Spicer’s cringeworthy comments about Hitler not gassing his own people — and his even worse subsequent attempts to clarify those remarks — felt to you like an episode of Veep, well you were far from alone.
On Wednesday morning, Veep star Julia Louis-Dreyfus tweeted out a YouTube video showing Spicer’s presser performance mashed up with the closing credits of an episode of Veep. The video ends with Louis-Dreyfus’s character Selina Meyer masking mocking faces and sounds.
In the tweet, Louis-Dreyfus said it looked like an “Emmy winning episode” to her.
This feels like an Emmy winning episode to me.https://t.co/DU4o08Ot2P
— Julia Louis-Dreyfus (@OfficialJLD) April 12, 2017
As you likely recall, Spicer has spent pretty much every waking hour clarifying and apologizing for his remarks at the briefing. While trying to characterize Syrian President Bashar al-Assad as worse than Hitler, Spicer noted that not even Hitler used chemical weapons on his own people. His attempts at clarification at the briefing and afterward were comically bad, highlighted by his use of the terms “Holocaust centers,” leading to multiple apologies that carried over to the next morning.
Watch the mashup above, via YouTube user Dan Ketchum.