Mika Brzezinski: Ann Coulter Makes A Living “On Hate Speech And Hurting People”

Oh, what a difference a few months make.
During Thursday’s broadcast of Morning Joe, co-host Mika Brzezinski read conservative provocateur Ann Coulter for filth over the Trump-idolizing author’s praiseworthy tweets of Donald Trump’s horrid immigration policy speech. Following a lengthy panel discussion on Trump’s nutso Wednesday, which began with his weird trip to Mexico and ended with him calling for the mass deportations of millions of immigrants in front of his cheering die-hards, Brzezinski went in on Coulter when asked to report on her comments.
Addressing a show producer, Mika said the following about Coultergeist:
“And if I could just say Alex wanted me to read a story and Alex, I will paraphrase it without using the name. And that is a person who basically runs a business for herself fueled on hate speech and hurting people. And is a huge supporter of Donald Trump. Loved the speech. It says it all. But a great leader in the media once mentioned to us, actually, not to ever mention this person’s name because people like that have no place, no place in the mainstream conversation.”
Woof. In response to Joe Scarborough saying that Trump has the rabid support of 40% of the electorate no matter what, Brzezinski noted he also has “people like that,” referencing Coulter, and reiterating that “they are hurting America.”
Since Mika wouldn’t mention the tweets, here they are for the sake of reference:
I think I’ll watch this speech every night before going to bed so that I will sleep like a baby.
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) September 1, 2016
I hear Churchill had a nice turn of phrase, but Trump’s immigration speech is the most magnificent speech ever given.
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) September 1, 2016
Also, it feels like Brzezinski was tossing shade at her colleague Chris Matthews regarding Coulter. The Hardball host has brought on Coulter as a guest numerous times over the past few months.
At the beginning of this year, you couldn’t find a more friendly media outlet towards Donald Trump than Morning Joe. Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski took on loads of criticism for the giving Trump an uncritical platform to spew his rhetoric day in and day out during the GOP primary. Their ‘interviews’ with him were a joke, with the duo letting Trump ramble on for minutes at a time, that is whenever they weren’t cozying up to him. There was a reason the show was referred to as Morning Trump.
But that was then and this is now. Things are far, far, far different at the MSNBC morning program. Trump has engaged in a boycott of the program this summer, unhappy that Joe and Mika had started covering him mildly critically in the wake of his primary victory. The feud has escalated in recent weeks, with Trump lobbing personal attacks at Mika, calling her “neurotic” and “crazy,” threatening to spill the beans on the pair’s relationship, and ridiculing the show as low-rated.
Below is video of the segment, courtesy of MSNBC: