Family Feud! ‘Duck Dynasty’ Morons Torn Between Canadian Dude And Orange Billionaire

The classiest, most luxurious, unbelievably great and very smart endorsements just keep rolling in for Republican Presidential frontrunner and Cheeto-dusted cat toy Donald Trump. A couple of days after receiving the support of former V-P nominee and drunk grifter Sarah Palin, and with less than two weeks until the Iowa caucuses, The Donald found himself endorsed by one of the ultimate kingmakers for conservatives, Duck Dynasty star and fake hillbilly Willie Robertson.
In a statement released by the Trump campaign on Thursday, the celebrity billionaire hyped up the “coveted endorsement” from the bandanna-wearing reality TV star.
Today Donald J. Trump announced yet another coveted endorsement, with Duck Dynasty star Willie Robertson touting his support for the candidate in Las Vegas. Willie is an extremely popular figure in conservative circles and previously attended a rally in Oklahoma with Mr. Trump where he praised the GOP frontrunner’s brash style and truthful talk in front of 25,000 people.
Mr. Trump stated, “I am truly honored to receive Willie’s endorsement. He is a great person, has had tremendous success and a really terrific family. He believes in my message and knows that I am the only one who will Make America Great Again!”
Willie’s support of Trump may make for awkward dinner conversation among the Dynasty clan. His pops, Phil Robertson, not only endorsed Trump’s GOP opponent Ted Cruz earlier this month, but appeared in a campaign ad with the Texas Senator where the two were out duck hunting, complete with Cruz wearing face-black and camo. (Cruz is a badass, donchaknow!)
Willie’s endorsement comes as no surprise considering he’s shown up at Trump campaign events in the past and has sung the celebrity billionaire’s praises on Fox News. Recently, Phil’s son lent his support to diaper-wearing, hooker-loving Sen. David Vitter (R-LA) in his unsuccessful bid for Governor of Louisiana.
Your GOP race, people! Remember, we are just deciding on the leader of the free world here. No biggie.