Damon Wayans Defends Sexual Predator Bill Cosby, Says Accusers Were Too Ugly To Be Raped

Just when you thought there weren’t any Bill Cosby defenders left in America, someone comes along and lets you know that you shouldn’t be so silly to think such nonsense. In an interview with Angela Yee of Power 105’s The Breakfast Club, former In Living Color actor Damon Wayans said that he didn’t think the majority of the women who have accused the legendary comedian of sexual assault were telling the truth. He reasoned that most of them are just taking part in a “money-hustle” and you can tell some are lying because they are not attractive enough, making them “unrapeable.”
Much of the interview focused on Wayans’ career and his friend Tracy Morgan, who won a lawsuit against WalMart over a brutal automobile accident that nearly killed him and took the life of another comedian. According to Wayans, Morgan received $90 million from the retail giant. (Details hadn’t been previously released.) While that would normally be extremely newsworthy, it was what Wayans said later on that will follow him around for quite a while.
More than 20 minutes into the conversation, Yee brought up Cosby and the multiple accusations that have been thrown at him over the past year, as nearly 40 women have claimed that he sexually assaulted them over the years. Wayans shocked the host, and pretty much everyone in America, when he not only defended Cosby despite so many women coming forward, but called his accusers “bitches” multiple times, victim-blamed them and disparaged their looks.
To start off, he said if he were Cosby, he’d go to court and take a Quaalude while giving his deposition, because he knows he’s innocent.
“If I was him, I would divorce my wife, wink wink, give her all my money, and then I would go to a deposition, I’d light one of them three-hour cigars, I’d have me some wine, and maybe a Quaalude, and I would just go off, because I don’t believe he was raping.”
And it only got worse from there. The ex-My Wife and Kids star then stated that Cosby was likely in a relationship with all of the women accusing him but couldn’t get it up now at his old age and told the “bitches” bye.
“I think he was in relationships with all of them, and then he’s like, ‘You know what, it’s 78, I can’t get it up for any of y’all, bye bitches.’ And now they’re like, ‘Oh, really? Rape.’ Forty years — listen, how big is his penis that it gives you amnesia for 40 years?”
This led to Yee pointing out that many of the women accusing Cosby now had brought the same allegations decades ago. Wayans summarily dismissed this by blaming them for allowing the Cosby Show creator to assault them more than once. This was followed by him saying some of the women are “unrapeable” and that Cosby likely had women throwing themselves at him due to his fame.
But if you listen to them talk, they go, ‘Well, the first time.’ The first time?!” said the comedy star. “Bitch, how many times did it happen? Just listen to what they’re saying…And some of them, really, is unrapeable. I look at them and go, ‘No, he don’t want that. Get outta here!’” Look, I understand fame. I’ve lived it. Women will throw themselves at you. They just want to be in your presence. There’s some that innocently will come up there, but not 40-something women. They’re not that naïve.”
Later on in the interview, he said that that while he would’ve killed Cosby if it were one of his daughters making the accusations, he still believed the funnyman is innocent of everything and that the women are only interested in a “money-hustle.” He also said he didn’t understand why Cosby would drug women because there’s no joy in “banging someone that’s asleep.” And, if you were wondering, he once again referred to the women as “bitches”.
As news spread of the interview, some people took to Twitter to express their disappointment in Wayans.
Just when you thought no one left on Earth would defend Bill Cosby, Damon Wayans goes all out here. Remarkable. https://t.co/fSvA9OY72M
— Kate Aurthur (@KateAurthur) September 5, 2015
Damon Wayans really had my stomach hurting this morning. I love intellectual ignorance.
— Charlamagne Tha God (@cthagod) September 4, 2015
please dont ask damon wayans to apologize for supporting cosby. he defended a rapist at length. let that be.
— Oliver Willis (@owillis) September 5, 2015
I want to say “NOT DAMON WAYANS” but then… I mean… why should we be surprised? That’s the sad thing…
— Pastor Lydia (@FeministaJones) September 5, 2015
These remarks by Damon Wayans on Cosby accusers are the worst kind of misogyny: http://t.co/f9wmT6brFW via @PhillyEntertain
— Liz Spikol (@lspikol) September 5, 2015
With Erica Jong on one side and Damon Wayans on the other…
— Tressie Mc (@tressiemcphd) September 5, 2015
Damon Wayans is a talented man. It takes talent to cram this much misogynistic ignorance into one interview. https://t.co/MuMNDPDURb
— 5’7 Black Male (@absurdistwords) September 5, 2015
Below is video of the entire interview, courtesy of Power 105: