Larry Wilmore Scolds Donald Trump Supporters: “Stop It. Stop It. America, Listen To Me. Stop It.”

During Monday night’s episode of Comedy Central’s The Nightly Show, host Larry Wilmore discussed Thursday night’s highly-watched GOP primary debate on Fox News and America’s obsession with Republican Presidential candidate and real-life troll doll Donald Trump. Wilmore devoted the show’s first segment to Trump’s debate performance along with the fallout of his Megyn Kelly “blood” comments. After highlighting The Donald’s idiotic remarks, Wilmore bemoaned the fact that Trump continues to soar higher in GOP polls.
As this was Wilmore’s first broadcast since the middle of last week, he had to squeeze in a lot of Trump considering the real estate mogul had dominated the news cycle for the previous few days. Footage from the debate was played, combined with Wilmore poking fun at Donald’s responses to questions. The comedian called Trump America’s favorite troll and used a toy to mime Trump every time he showed one of the reality TV star’s debate answers.
After lambasting his debate performance, but also pointing out 24 million people tuned in to see him be all “Trumpy,” Wilmore moved on to Trump’s controversy around Kelly and his less-than-believable excuse surrounding his “blood coming from her…wherever” comment. The Nightly Show host stated that it has become apparent that “Trump fully believes things after he’s said them.” To make his point, Wilmore played clips of Donald claiming he didn’t want to go to the RedState forum only after being disinvited and that he disliked a Neil Young song only after Young asked him to stop using it.
Towards the end of the segment, Wilmore hung his head about the fact that no matter what Trump says or does, he continues to top the GOP polls.
“Let me sum up what we’ve gone through in the last month and a half. So far, Trump’s called Mexican rapists, he attacked one of America’s most beloved POWs, he gave out a sitting senator’s phone number out of spite and now he basically blamed a women’s tough questioning on her period. And his polls just go higher and higher.”
Wilmore told his viewers that it was kind of cool and funny a few weeks ago when Trump was on top as it was the dog days of summer and we all needed a laugh. However, now it appears people are actually taking him serious and fully believe that he should be elected to the highest office in the land. He felt the need to give the country an order.
“America, I am talking to you directly: Stop it. Stop it. America, listen to me. Stop it!”
Sadly, I’m not sure America is going to listen to you, Larry.
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