You Betcha! Donald Trump Says That He’d Love To Have Sarah Palin Be Part Of His Administration

If claiming the majority of Mexican immigrants are rapists, labeling a Vietnam War POW as being not a war hero and having your lawyer say wives can’t be raped by their husbands hasn’t derailed cotton candy haired plutocrat Donald Trump’s Presidential aspirations, what’s left for him to possibly do to torpedo his ascendancy? Well, declaring that half-term Governor of Alaska and full-time nitwit Sarah Palin would be a good choice for his Cabinet if he were elected President of the United States might be the ticket.
During a Monday radio appearance on The Palin Update (yes, that is a real live thing that actually exists), the real estate mogul spoke with host and Palin sycophant Kevin Scholla about his campaign and various other far-right causes and issues. Basically, they agreed that Planned Parenthood is supremely evil, man-made climate change doesn’t exist, Obummer sucks and the Iran deal is the worst goddamn thing in the history of mankind (except for Obamacare). Early on in the conversation, Scholla asked Trump about the former GOP Veep nominee and whether or not she would be someone Trump would turn to for advice or even place in a Cabinet position.
Below is the exchange from the interview:
SCHOLLA: What do you think about her time and leadership as Governor and if there is a Trump administration, could you see picking up the phone, giving the governor a call and picking her brain on some things, or perhaps having her along in some official capacity?
TRUMP: I’d love that. Because she really is somebody who knows what’s happening and she’s a special person, she’s really a special person and I think people know that. She’s got a following that is unbelievable. I still have people saying ‘Get Sarah’s support! Get Sarah’s support!’ no matter where I go. Everybody loves her. She’s got a tremendous — like me, she has some people that don’t exactly love us and we understand who they are and you sort of forget about that. But she has a tremendously loyal group of people out there for her.
And, I think, maybe more so than, you know, I look at some of these other candidates that are weak, they’re ineffective and, uhh, to a degree that’s almost hard to believe. And, you know, they like the Sarah Palin kind of strength — you just don’t see much of it anymore.
Well, there ya go. If we ever have a Trump presidency, we can count on him bringing Caribou Barbie to Capitol Hill to help run things. Because, as Trump has always said, when he gets to Washington, he’s going to count on all the smartest people to help him Make America Great Again! And who out there is better at preparing a word salad than one Sarah Palin. She could maybe even show the Trumpster how to diversify his adjectives and toss in some smart-sounding wordy thingies to spice up his speeches.
Anyway, if you want to listen to the first half of the interview, it is posted below courtesy of, I kid you not, MamaGrizz Radio: