George Stephanopoulos Calls Out GOP Senator: ‘You’re Just Throwing Out A Claim That Doesn’t Prove What You’re Saying’

Sen. Mike Braun (R-IN) appeared on ABC’s This Week on Sunday and proceeded to cast unsubstantiated doubts on the outcome of Georgia’s presidential election.
Braun, like most of his Republican colleagues, first refused to acknowledge Joe Biden as president-elect, claiming that “we’ve got a process that we’ve been going through since the election” that will “play itself out.”
Braun then criticized Georgia’s secretary of state for saying the results will stand.
“When you say that there’s [no fraud] there, you’re going to have half of the country uncertain about what just happened, and pretty disgruntled going into the future.”
Host George Stephanopoulos responded by highlighting the many instances in which Trump’s claims about voter fraud have fallen apart.
“So the process has played out, hasn’t it? And there’s no evidence of widespread fraud, so why can’t you accept the results?”
Braun then referenced a video that allegedly shows “boxes of ballots coming out from underneath the table” as being something potentially nefarious.
“But I have to stop you right there,” Stephanopoulos shot back. “It wasn’t mentioned [by the secretary of state] because it didn’t show anything improper. He spoke about that this week, that was exactly the proper process for counting the ballots. There wasn’t anything wrong shown in that video at all, so you’re just throwing a claim out there that doesn’t prove what you’re saying.”
Braun nevertheless responded that at least a “perfunctory investigation” should follow, otherwise people will think “something is amiss.” This, he claims, would contribute to “undermining a democracy.”
Stephanopoulos responded: “I guess the question is, ‘Is the harm to democracy being done by those who propagate false claims?'”
Watch the video above, via ABC News.