Larry Kudlow’s RNC Speech Pushes Coronavirus Into the Past Tense: ‘It Was Awful’

White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow spoke to the Republican National Convention on Tuesday night. In a speech that reiterated many of the falsehoods already pushed at the RNC, Kudlow repeatedly referred to the Coronavirus pandemic in the past tense.
“It was awful,” Kudlow said, as hundreds of Americans continue to die each die.
“Health and economic impacts were tragic. Hardship and heartbreak were everywhere. But presidential leadership came swiftly and effectively with an extraordinary rescue for health and safety to successfully fight the Covid virus.”
The pandemic is ongoing and almost 1200 people died from the disease the day before Kudlow delivered his remarks to the RNC. In total, almost 179,000 Americans have died from Covid-19 and more are expected before the November election.
Kudlow’s remarks chime with many other speakers at the convention who’ve tried to draw a line under the public health crisis and urge voters to remember the economy before millions lost their jobs due to the pandemic, which the Trump administration initially downplayed and then mishandled.
Watch the video above, via PBS/YouTube.