In Friendly Interview, Trump Again Struggles to Outline Priorities for a Second Term

President Donald Trump has once again had difficulty explaining his priorities for a second term. In a recent interview with Fox News’ Sean Hannity, Trump gave a garbled answer when Hannity asked him about his goals after reelection.
On Tuesday, Sinclair Broadcasting’s Eric Bolling gave Trump another bite of the apple on the second term priorities question. Sinclair is a conservative network that’s been friendly to Trump – sometimes being even less critical thatn Fox.
The President, however, struggled to explain what his priorities would be, as CNN’s Daniel Dale explained on Twitter.
Sinclair's Eric Bolling gave Trump a "retake" on his empty answer to Hannity on his priorities for a second term. Here's how Trump answered this time:
— Daniel Dale (@ddale8) July 2, 2020
Trump offered a rambling answer, drifting from trade deals to veterans’ choice to the Coronavirus pandemic. Critics were quick to point out that the President is consistently finding it difficult to tell friendly journalists and his own voters what he would do with another four years.
“Trump can’t name a single second term priority because he has none. He’s incapable of planning ahead and just fights his way through each day, moment by moment,” said Vox journalist Aaron Rupar.
Democratic strategist Adam Parkhomenko was more blunt: “He fucked it up again. He simply does not have an answer for this question.”