Kellyanne Conway, Who Called ‘Kung Flu’ Offensive, Now Defends Trump’s Use of It

White House counselor Kellyanne Conway flip-flopped on her previous position that the use of the racist term “Kung Flu” is “highly offensive,” defending President Donald Trump’s use of it on Wednesday while bizarrely attacking an Asian-American reporter for not having the “courage” to out a White House official who said the phrase months ago.
Interestingly, Conway refused to actually use the phrase, instead saying that Trump has “said it’s called many different things,” such as “the Wuhan virus, the Chinese virus, and then he used another term.”
As Jiang continued to press her on Trump’s embrace of the racist term, Conway eventually placed the blame squarely on the CBS reporter’s shoulders.
“You should have come forward a hundred days ago when you had the chance. You lost your opportunity, you lacked the courage to tell everybody who said that to you,” Conway fumed. “You like to stoke this instead of solving it. I’m here to solve things not stoke them. You did the opposite on this issue.”
Read the rest of the piece at The Daily Beast.
Watch the clip above, via C-SPAN.